Private equity & VC Services

For Investors and Founders

Asor Capital has formed worldwide, long-lasting collaborations with allies and strategic partners for the benefit of all parties.

Our private equity & venture capital service provides a privileged access of sharp and sophisticated investors, family-run businesses and institutions to a variety of high margin investment opportunities across the globe.

Asor Capital has a unique insight into the Israeli ecosystem and thus has an exceptional ability to connect your business to the hundreds of Israeli companies in its network.


Impeccable Scouting Services

We have our fingers on the pulse of global innovations, technologies, and trends of all types which will be right for your company’s new direction or help you meet your investment goals.

Startups often lack infrastructure, access to markets, and the “know-how” to navigate it all. Established firms in a growth phase require new product ideas and services they’ve never needed before in order to stay relevant, growing and competitive. We will source the perfect solutions for your search.


Creating Detailed & Effective Investment Strategy

In all business transactions, success requires a plan. Asor Capital’s team works with you to define goals first, then creates an investment strategy that works for the short and long term.

Asor Capital follows a time-tested investment methodology for growth and profits. We believe in a hands-on approach as well as investing our private equity.


Joint Ventures

You may not have the local or global information you need to identify the best venture partners. Asor Capital thinks laterally for you to strategize on the ideal type of venture for your diversification, growth, and profitability. We help locate the best partner, in the best location for that venture.


Raising Capital for startups

Asor Capital joins forces with your business by directly guiding you through the entire process of raising the capital your growth requires – Seed & Series A rounds of external funding. We work shoulder-to-shoulder with you to build personal relations with partners and investors. Our goal for our clients is to make the right connection between investors and your company.

We protect your growth plans by assisting you in achieving those goals with our systematic methodology, unshakeable professionalism, and utmost integrity.

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